Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year

Today, is the first day of the new year,2009.Its hard to believe how fast the year sped by.I look back on it now and think,where in the world did all of the time go.Our year had some very stressful times,some really great times, but most of all, something that I am so grateful for, my family was healthy.It really means alot to have your kids and grandkids close and to know they are healthy. All of the other bumps in the road can be gotton through and most of the time your better off for having gone through it.Our granddaughter got married so we have an addition to the family.And a great addition he is. We all like him very much an know that he makes our granddaughter very happy.Im hoping the new year will be full of love, family, good health, and prosperity for everyone. Happy New Year.


Michele and Wyatt said...

Happy New Year! I hope you have a great 2009!

Tawn said...

Happy Happy New year! I can't believe it's 2009' Where does the time go???? HONK-HONK!!!! :)