Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weeds,Weeds, and more Weeds

We tilled our garden spot and planted the garden and then I got to looking around and couldnt believe all of the weeds around the outside of our garden spot and in the rock work.I probably should of gotton some weed killer to spray on them but no, I decided to pull them so I could get some exercise.What a job it has been.I worked all week and it is starting to look better after hauling out 5 big wheelbarrows full of weeds.Ill work on the front side this coming week. Thank goodness it isnt as bad as the back was. I at least got the exercise I wanted..


mik said...

Peg Your yard looks awesome! You are one working lady. I envy your big garden, you are one great person. Never forget that.

Tawn said...

LOOKING GOOD! Weeds are never no fun, but after they are gone, it sure feels great! HONK HONK!

logcabins said...

Wow! your yard looks great!!! Next time get some weed killer and forget about the exercise!!!

Brandilyn said...

that looks way good :]