Monday, October 20, 2008

Decorating the Church.

Friday was the day to decorate the church so I met Jamie and Brandi at 11:30 for lunch. We knew it would be a long day and knew we would be at the church for the rest of the day, and of coarse we were.We didnt get through until after 8:00 but the church looked amazing so it was worth it. we had alot of help from one of Jamies friends and some of Brandis friends. It would have taken us alot longer without them. Jamies friend was a lifesaver.Everyone was stressed out and tired but we still found the time to have a little fun. The wedding was beautiful, the church looked wonderful and I will blog about the wedding later.

1 comment:

Michele and Wyatt said...

The wedding was beautiful. Looks like you had a great time decorating. I love the picture of Jamie with the ribbon around her head.