Thursday, January 21, 2010


Jack is the name we have given one of our kittens. Hes the only one that likes to come in the house. We dont let him in very often, but when we do we really have fun with him. This is Jack. He is the biggest snoop you have ever seen. One day he was in here while I was in doing the dishes. We had just eaten dinner,I had been opening the refrigerator and putting things away and going back to the dishes when Hank finally said, where is Jack. I said oh hes around here somewhere, dont worry and then I noticed the refrigerator door wasnt quite shut so I went over to it and when I opened the door, Jack was hanging by his little claws to the second shelf. I screamed and everyone came running. Jack was pretty happy to get out of there because he was squeezed between the door and the shelves. It really was funny. The other night he was in here and he discovered the tv.He kept looking up at it and then plopped his little behind down and started watching. After it looked like he wasnt going to be moving soon, I started timing him. He set there for exactly 7 minutes before he finally moved.He set so still, not even the flash from the cameras bothered him. He certaintly is one of a kind and we love him.Hes alot of fun.

1 comment:

Tawn said...

All is I have to say about this post is CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!