Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Gaurd Dog

My sister-in-law who we just visited in Washington has two of the cutest weener dogs you have ever seen. Newt the male they have had for a long time but Brandy the girl has only been theirs for about nine months. well this is mostly going to be about Newt. He is the fiercest little gaurd dog you have ever seen. They have small garter snakes up there and Newt hates them with a passion. He goes out four or five times a day and with his nose right to the ground he sniffs out the perimeter of the back yard. He is very diligent in this because nothing is going to breach the boundaries of what he considers his. He doesnt eat the snakes but he has been known to tear them apart. When he is not outside keeping gaurd over his property he is setting on top of the sofa watching out the picture window. Nothing is going to get by him.When there arent any snakes around hes been known to tree a chipmunk or two.Brandy doesnt mind not having to chase wild animals. She will leave that all up to Newt very happily.


Jamie said...


Kandice said...

hehe, he doesn't look too scary! but he looks like fun

Tawn said...

Hey Rusty Pickle!! LOL! It was fun getting to know you a little on Friday night! You and Jamie are so adorable! I'm gonna add you to my blog page, so we can keep in touch:) Hope you add me:) Love your pics, the coast looks beautiful! Hope to hear from ya soon:)

Michele and Wyatt said...

Happy Birthday Peggy. I hope you had a great day.